Rise, sister. Fall back, yes, and rest. Then rise. Rise again. We will rise again.

Published October 31, 2020

A thing I do, which I’ve mentioned before, is I have a series of head starts on flipping the calendar page and on changing from daylight saving time to standard time, or vice versa.

Last night, knowing that it’s unlikely that I’ll drive my car anywhere before we “fall back” overnight, I adjusted the clock on its radio/CD/cassette player. Yes, I still have one of those! My car is from the last millennium, so it’s not likely it would know what to do with 21st-century features. Heck, I still have car keys, one of which is required to unlock and lock the door.

I change most clocks early, in case I forget, but I have safeguards in place to keep me from being an hour late or an hour early. What can I say? It works for me.

I also look ahead at the next month on my Wild Woman Rising calendar. In this case, tonight marks a time change and a month change, so today is an extra-special sneak preview day.

Rise, sister. And rise again. Do not let your past, your limitations, or your fear keep you from rising again and again. Like the ancient beetle so sacred to the Egyptians, you will crawl and scratch your way through the dirt. But you will also rise and fly. Let go of what no longer serves you. Release the thoughts and habits that keep you from your inner lightness. For when we resurrect our hopes and align them with a new vision of ourselves and the world, wild woman rises.

We’re almost home.